is this the place that used to be 'Mature Gamers Clan' forum back in 2006?

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1st post
Mar 28, 2024
I joined that when the original Xbox360 came out and played a while online (GRAW, Perfect Dark, etc.) still as tpr007
Anyone here also from that time - you'd all be about 50+ by now!
it’s t\he same site, been through different owners since then. I belonged to the original site also, trying to get some activity going.
Cool. I had a rush of nostalgia recently, remembering playing GRAW with the old clan and couldn't believe it was 18 years ago. It'd be nice to connect and re-add friends with some of those from that same era
Cool. I had a rush of nostalgia recently, remembering playing GRAW with the old clan and couldn't believe it was 18 years ago. It'd be nice to connect and re-add friends with some of those from that same era
One of the reason I brought the site back when the domain became available.
I just stumbled on here too. Remember the GRAW, GoW, COD4 etc days well. First and only time I did a great deal of clan stuff. Helldivers 2 made me look for some friendly faces to play with and here is where I landed. StewzerSoze on psn, Stewby1979 on XBL.
Good to see another familiar name, hopefully will get some more back.
I have very fond memories of that time.
Struggling to get hold of an X360 at launch. Playing GRAW and Perfect Dark multiplayer with the MGC clan.

It'd be good to add some oldies to my friends' lists: tpr007 (steam, xbox, ps5, etc.)